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GC3, InnoCentive Reveal Award Recipients

From Happi

The Green Chemistry & Commerce Council (GC3) and InnoCentive revealed seven winners in the global GC3 Challenge: Developing New Preservatives for Personal Care & Household Products. Launched...

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J&J begins revealing fragrance ingredients in babycare products

From ChemicalWatch

Consumer goods multinational, Johnson & Johnson, has announced that it will disclose all ingredients in its babycare products.

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EU members agree to restrict 4 phthalates

From Chemical & Engineering News

Representatives from European Union member states voted unanimously to prohibit the use of four phthalates in consumer products sold in the EU. The four...

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Is BPA Making Us Fat, Anxious And Sick? A New Effort To Find The Answer May Be Falling Apart.

From The Huffington Post

The way the Food and Drug Administration assesses safety has long favored industry studies over independent science.

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The next BPA? Why businesses must get ahead of hormone-disrupting chemicals

From GreenBiz

American consumers are growing increasingly concerned about food safety and chemical hazards. Over the past 10 years, the market has shifted away from products...

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Software beats animal tests at predicting toxicity of chemicals

From Nature

Machine learning on mountain of safety data improves automated assessments.

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